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STALFORM Engineering Company is open for cooperation. Unless otherwise specified, the materials on this site are available on the World Wide Licenses "Attribution-NoDerivs"3.0 (CC BY-ND 3.0)
You are free to copy and distribute them in any medium, in any format, for any purpose, including commercial, subject to the following mandatory conditions.
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For Media
If for a publication you may need high-resolution photos, broadcast quality video and other multimedia files, please contact the head of the press service of the company STALFORM Engineering Mityaev Andrei Alexandrovich:
Phone: +7 (916) 426-38-14
Though the "STALFORM Engineering" is carefully selecting and constantly updating the contents of this web site, the company does not take on any responsibilities related to the information it provided, and assumes no liability for any inaccurate or incomplete information on the website. The user is solely responsible for the use of information provided on the website of "STALFORM Engineering" in the public domain. Use of the information provided on this website does not lead to any contractual relationship between the user and the LLC "STALFORM Engineering".
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Website contains links to other sites. Through these electronic links, you can access information on other sites, but this does not mean that the company "STALFORM Engineering" , but it does not mean, that the company approves the content of these sites, or accepts for them any responsibility. For the content of external sites are responsible their providers. Before we provide links to other sites, LLC "STALFORM Engineering" , as far as it is possible, checks the third-party sites to ensure that their content is not included in clear contradiction with the current legislation. Nevertheless, LLC "STALFORM Engineering" has no influence on the content and design of these sites. Constant control of links to other sites is not possible. But once the LLC "STALFORM Engineering" receives information about illegal content of the site or reference listed in a particular link, this link will be promptly removed.